Did you know that the Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends the first eye exam between 6-9 months? At the first appointment the optometrist will be able to ensure that your infant's eyes are healthy, that the muscles of the eyes are coordinating properly and that the eyes are focusing together, all without the use of the eye chart.
Pre-school children should undergo at least one eye examination between ages 2 and 5. At this examination, your optometrist will thoroughly assess your child for muscle problems like crossed eyes (strabismus) and lazy eyes (amblyopia). Amblyopia occurs in 2-4% of children and is the most common reason for vision loss than all other ocular diseases and traumas combined. With amblyopia the brain "learns" to see with only the good eye while the other eye grows weaker from lack of use. If detected and treated at an early age, amblyopia can often completely resolve.
It is recommended that school aged children be checked annually for any visual issues that may interfere with learning. 1 in 5 children starting school has a vision disorder. Considering that 80% of a child's learning is based on vision, it is pertinent that your child be checked regularly.
5110 St. Mayrgaret's Bay Rd
Upper Tantallon, NS